FTSE 100
FTSE 250

Time Ticker Company Announcement Share
17:48 SGE Sage Group
Transaction in Own Shares
17:45 FCH Funding Circle Holdings
Funding Circle Plc: POS-Transaction in Own Shares
17:44 PAG Paragon Banking Group
Transaction in Own Shares
17:43 LTI Lindsell Train Inv Trust
Director/PDMR Shareholding
17:41 BRGE BlackRock Greater Europe Inv...
Transaction in Own Shares
17:41 SMWH WH Smith
Transaction in Own Shares
17:40 IPO IP Group
Transaction in Own Shares
17:39 THRG Blackrock Throgmorton Trust
Transaction in Own Shares
17:37 DRX Drax Group
Transaction in Own Shares
17:35 CCP Celtic
Interim Report - 31 December 2024
17:30 CRS Crystal Amber Fund Ltd.
Transaction in Own Shares and Total Voting Rights
17:30 LWI Lowland Investment Co
Transaction in Own Shares
17:27 AUTO Auto Trader Group
Transaction in Own Shares
17:26 DORE Downing Renewables &...
Transaction in Own Shares
17:26 GCL Geiger Counter Limited
Total Voting Rights - January 2025
17:26 HET Henderson European Trust
Transaction in Own Shares
17:25 FEML Fidelity Emerging Markets...
Transaction in Own Shares
17:25 MTU Montanaro UK Smaller Companies...
Transaction in Own Shares
17:24 SSON Smithson Investment Trust
Transaction in Own Shares
17:22 IEM Impax Environmental Markets
Transaction in Own Shares
17:22 MRC Mercantile Investment Trust...
Transaction in Own Shares
17:22 GCL Geiger Counter Limited
Share BuyBack
17:21 HSL Henderson Smaller Companies Inv...
Transaction in Own Shares
17:21 AAIF Aberdeen Asian Income Fund Ltd.
Transaction in Own Shares
17:20 FGT Finsbury Growth & Income Trust
Transaction in Own Shares
17:20 BIRG Bank of Ireland Group
Notification of Major Holdings
17:20 CGEO Georgia Capital
Transaction in Own Shares
17:19 EGL Ecofin Global Utilities and...
Transaction in Own Shares
17:19 ANII Aberdeen New India Investment...
Transaction in Own Shares
17:19 CGT Capital Gearing Trust
Transaction in Own Shares
17:18 JAGI JPMorgan Asia Growth & Income
Transaction in Own Shares
17:17 MYI Murray International Trust
Transaction in Own Shares
17:17 JEDT JPMorgan European Discovery...
Transaction in Own Shares
17:16 SHRS Shires Income
Transaction in Own Shares
17:15 BNKR Bankers Inv Trust
Transaction in Own Shares
17:15 PAC Pacific Assets Trust
Transaction in Own Shares
17:14 AUSC Abrdn UK Smaller Companies...
Transaction in Own Shares
17:14 BHMG BH Macro Ltd. GBP Shares
Transaction in Own Shares
17:13 DIG Dunedin Income Growth Inv Trust
Transaction in Own Shares
17:12 JEMI JPMorgan Global Markets Emerging...
Transaction in Own Shares
17:12 AAS Aberdeen Standard Asia Focus
Transaction in Own Shares
17:12 FCSS Fidelity China Special...
Transaction in Own Shares
17:11 JUGI Jpmorgan Uk Small Cap Growth &...
Transaction in Own Shares
17:10 PCT Polar Capital Technology Trust
Transaction in Own Shares
17:10 BKG Berkeley Group Holdings
Transaction in Own Shares
17:09 AHT Ashtead Group
Transaction in Own Shares
17:09 GCP GCP Infrastructure Investments...
Transaction in Own Shares
17:09 MAJE Majedie Investments
Estimated Net Asset Value
17:08 IAT Invesco Asia Trust
Holding(s) in Company
17:07 JMG JPMorgan Emerging Markets Inv...
Transaction in Own Shares
17:06 JII JPMorgan Indian Investment Trust
Transaction in Own Shares
17:06 DGE Diageo
Director/PDMR Shareholding
17:05 BT.A BT Group
Holding(s) in Company
17:03 JCH JPMorgan Claverhouse Inv Trust
Transaction in Own Shares
17:01 FAS Fidelity Asian Values
Transaction in Own Shares
17:00 TTE TotalEnergies SE
Transaction in Own Shares
16:59 TEM Templeton Emerging Markets Inv...
Transaction in Own Shares
16:58 GSCT The Global Smaller Companies...
Transaction in Own Shares
16:58 SEC Strategic Equity Capital
Transaction in Own Shares
16:57 BGCG Witan Pacific Inv Trust
Transaction in Own Shares
16:57 RWS RWS Holdings
Holding(s) in Company
16:54 EPWN Epwin Group
Transaction in Own Shares
16:54 MWY Mid Wynd International Inv Trust
Transaction in Own Shares
16:54 BGUK Baillie Gifford UK Growth Fund
Transaction in Own Shares
16:53 SAIN Scottish American Inv Company
Transaction in Own Shares
16:52 SMT Scottish Mortgage Inv Trust
Transaction in Own Shares
16:52 CTL CleanTech Lithium
Proposed interim fundraising and corporate update
16:49 SCF Schroder Income Growth Fund
Transaction in Own Shares
16:49 IBT International Biotech Trust
Transaction in Own Shares
16:47 MNP Martin Currie Global Portfolio...
Transaction in Own Shares
16:46 WISE Wise Class A
Director/PDMR Shareholding
16:41 PEMB Pembroke Vct B
Issue of Equity
16:41 ZL07 ZL07
FRN Variable Rate Fix
16:39 ZL05 ZL05
FRN Variable Rate Fix
16:36 STS Securities Trust of Scotland
Transaction in Own Shares
16:36 BRIG Blackrock Income And Growth...
Transaction in Own Shares
Holding(s) in Company
16:29 FGP FirstGroup
Buyback Update
16:27 EGL Ecofin Global Utilities and...
Holding(s) in Company
16:22 DCI Dolphin Capital Investors Ltd
Notice of AGM
16:17 ASL Aberforth Smaller Companies...
Transaction in Own Shares
16:10 HSBA HSBC Holdings
Transaction in Own Shares
16:08 EXPN Experian
Director/PDMR Shareholding
16:02 ARGO Argo Group Ltd.
Result of AGM & Cancellation of Admission
16:02 ZM87 ZM87
Long term issuer rating
15:59 BAG Barr
Director/PDMR Shareholding - Replacement
15:57 CMPI CT Global Managed Portfolio...
Loan Facilities
15:56 CMPG CT Global Managed Portfolio...
Loan Facilities
15:37 GRIT Global Resources Investment...
Holding(s) in Company
15:36 CGS Castings
Holding(s) in Company
15:34 SOHO Triple Point Social Housing Reit
Result of General Meeting
15:30 BATS British American Tobacco
Holding(s) in Company
15:26 OXIG Oxford Instruments
Director/PDMR Shareholding
15:25 BKS Beeks Financial Cloud Group
Exercise of Share Options
15:20 SMIF TwentyFour Select Monthly Income...
Issue of Equity
15:19 TTG TT Electronics
Holding(s) in Company
15:15 HMSO Hammerson
Holding(s) in Company
15:10 BAG Barr
Director/PDMR Shareholding
15:06 TIPH Multi Units Luxembourg Lyxor...
Amundi US TIPS Government Inflation-Linked Bond UCITS ETF GBP Hedged Dist: Net Asset Value(s)
15:06 TIPG Multi Units Luxembourg Lyxor...
Amundi US TIPS Government Inflation-Linked Bond UCITS ETF Dist: Net Asset Value(s)
15:06 U10G Multi Units Luxembourg Lyx Core...
Amundi US Treasury Bond Long Dated UCITS ETF Dist: Net Asset Value(s)
15:06 TIPA Multi Units Luxembourg Lyxor...
Amundi US TIPS Government Inflation-Linked Bond UCITS ETF Acc: Net Asset Value(s)
15:06 TIPG Multi Units Luxembourg Lyxor...
Amundi US TIPS Government Inflation-Linked Bond UCITS ETF Dist: Net Asset Value(s)
15:06 U10C Multi Units Luxembourg Lyxor US...
Amundi US Treasury Bond Long Dated UCITS ETF Acc: Net Asset Value(s)
15:06 UH10 Multi Units Luxembourg Lyxor Us...
Amundi US Treasury Bond Long Dated UCITS ETF GBP Hedged Dist: Net Asset Value(s)
15:06 U10G Multi Units Luxembourg Lyx Core...
Amundi US Treasury Bond Long Dated UCITS ETF Dist: Net Asset Value(s)
15:05 U37G Multi Units Luxembourg Lyx Core...
Amundi US Treasury Bond 3-7Y UCITS ETF Dist: Net Asset Value(s)
15:05 U71G Multi Units Luxembourg Lyx Core...
Amundi US Treasury Bond 7-10Y UCITS ETF Dist: Net Asset Value(s)
15:05 U71H Multi Units Luxembourg Lyxor Us...
Amundi US Treasury Bond 7-10Y UCITS ETF GBP Hedged Dist: Net Asset Value(s)
15:05 U71G Multi Units Luxembourg Lyx Core...
Amundi US Treasury Bond 7-10Y UCITS ETF Dist: Net Asset Value(s)
15:05 U37G Multi Units Luxembourg Lyx Core...
Amundi US Treasury Bond 3-7Y UCITS ETF Dist: Net Asset Value(s)
15:00 BISI Bisichi
Director/PDMR Shareholding
14:56 EYE Eagle Eye Solutions Group
Issue of Equity
Buy-Back of Securities
14:51 CWK Cranswick
Additional Listing
14:45 STAF Staffline Group
Director/PDMR Shareholding
14:43 BLOE Block Energy
Holding(s) in Company
14:38 WISE Wise Class A
Block listing Interim Review
14:37 SCT Softcat
Director/PDMR Shareholding
14:34 SXS Spectris
Director/PDMR Shareholding
14:30 RR. Rolls-Royce Holdings
Director/PDMR Shareholding
14:26 FP. Fondul Proprietatea S.A. GDR...
Notification - buybacks 3 - 7 February 2025
14:26 JAM JPMorgan American Inv Trust
Issue of Equity
14:24 FNTL Fintel
Holding(s) in Company
14:23 SPX Spirax-Sarco Engineering
Director/PDMR Shareholding
14:16 BERI BlackRock Energy and Resources...
Submission of Documents
14:13 MER Mears Group
Notice of General Meeting
14:10 TPV Triple Point Venture Vct
Issue of Equity and Total Voting Rights
14:10 PEBB The Pebble Group
Exercise of options and Director/PDMR shareholding
14:09 FP. Fondul Proprietatea S.A. GDR...
Shareholding structure as of 31 January 2025
14:00 GFRD Galliford Try
Holding(s) in Company
14:00 SRE Sirius Real Estate Ltd.
Holding(s) in Company
13:55 GOOD Good Energy Group
Disclosure under Rule 2.10(c) of the Code
13:35 FEVR Fevertree Drinks
Holding(s) in Company
13:30 IGC India Capital Growth Fund Ltd.
Net Asset Value Daily Estimate
13:30 NG. National Grid
Director/PDMR Shareholding
13:22 JGGI JPMorgan Global Growth & Income
Issue of Equity
13:15 KPC Keystone Investment Trust
Relaunch of the Scheme
13:06 BAR Brand Architekts Group
Rule 2.9 Announcement
13:06 ATN Aterian
Private Placement and Issue of EBT Shares
13:05 STAF Staffline Group
Director/PDMR Shareholding
13:04 BAR Brand Architekts Group
Court sanction of the Scheme
12:51 CHL Cloudified Holdings Limited NPV...
Interim results
12:50 JGGI JPMorgan Global Growth & Income
Issue of Equity
12:47 CHL Cloudified Holdings Limited NPV...
Final Results
12:44 GR1T Grit Real Estate Income Group...
12:40 TLW Tullow Oil
Holding(s) in Company
12:40 XPS XPS Pensions Group
Appointment of Joint Corporate Broker
12:36 BWNG Brown
Court Sanction of Scheme of Arrangement
12:28 JAM JPMorgan American Inv Trust
Issue of Equity
12:26 PCGH Polar Capital Global Healthcare...
Top Ten Equity Holdings And Exposures
12:14 JAM JPMorgan American Inv Trust
Issue of Equity
12:09 OBD Oxford Biodynamics
Holding(s) in Company
12:08 XGDU XTrackers ETC Public Limited...
Publication of Final Terms
12:05 SMSN Samsung Electronics Co Ltd
Notice of Approval and Publication of Prospectus
12:05 THRG Blackrock Throgmorton Trust
CORRECTION - Transaction in Own Shares
12:00 COST Costain Group
Investor Presentation via Investor Meet Company
12:00 VOF VinaCapital Vietnam Opportunity...
Daily Net Asset Value
11:50 PNN Pennon Group
Holding(s) in Company
11:45 BK64 BK64
TWUL - STID Proposal Results
11:45 TMI Taylor Maritime Investments...
Effective Transfer, Change of Name, Board Changes
11:40 PCTN Picton Property Income Ltd
Holding(s) in Company
11:37 AW14 AW14
TWUL - STID Proposal Results
11:32 PCTN Picton Property Income Ltd
11:31 III 3i Group
Change of Registered Office
11:21 THRL Target Healthcare Reit Ltd
Holding(s) in Company
11:20 DIAL Diales
Holding(s) in Company
11:19 0RYA 0RYA Ryanair Holdings
Transaction in Own Shares
11:10 CNE Cairn Energy
Director/PDMR Shareholding
11:05 NAS North Atlantic Smaller Companies...
Transaction in Own Shares and TVR
11:02 CGS Castings
Holding(s) in Company
11:00 BATS British American Tobacco
Directorate Change
11:00 MVI Marwyn Value Investors Limited
Net Asset Values
11:00 FLTR Flutter Entertainment
Transaction in Own Shares
11:00 XAR Xaar
Holding(s) in Company
Holding(s) in Company
10:47 DORE Downing Renewables &...
Holding(s) in Company
10:35 DLAR De La Rue
Holding(s) in Company
10:30 MGCI M & G Credit Income Investment...
Issue of Equity
10:29 BEZ Beazley
Block listing
10:04 IDS International Distributions...
10:00 BRK Brooks Macdonald Group
Holding(s) in Company
09:54 IHC Inspiration Healthcare Group
Holding(s) in Company
09:35 KARS Kraneshares Icav Elec Veh Fut...
KraneShrsMSCI Electric Vehicle UCITS ETF 07.02.25
09:33 KGRN Kraneshares Icav Msci China...
KraneShrsMSCI China Clean Tech UCITS ETF 07.02.25
09:33 CHIN ICBC Credit Suisse UCITS ETF...
KraneShares ICBCCS S&P China500 UCITS ETF 07.02.25
09:32 KSTR Kraneshares Icav Icbccs Sse Star...
KraneShrsICBCCSSSEStrMrket50Idx UCITS ETF 07.02.25
09:31 KWBP Kraneshares Icav CSI China...
KraneSharesCSIChinaInternet UCITS ETF GBP 07.02.25
09:30 INOV Schroders Capital Global...
Transaction in Own Shares
09:30 PAF Pan African Resources
Group Trading Statement for the six months ended 31 December 2024
09:28 KWBE Kraneshares Icav CSI China...
KraneSharesCSIChinaInternet UCITS ETF EUR 07.02.25
09:27 KWEB Kraneshares Icav CSI China...
KraneShares CSI China Internet UCITS ETF 07.02.25
09:20 VNH VietNam Holding Ltd
Estimated Daily Net Asset Value
09:15 SF22 SF22
Statement re Company announcement
09:15 CRH CRH
Transaction in Own Shares
09:06 AIE Ashoka India Equity Investment...
Compliance with Market Abuse Regulation
09:00 GCL Geiger Counter Limited
Holding(s) in Company
09:00 NBS Nationwide Building Society Core...
Notice of Redemption of Securities
09:00 LGEN Legal & General Group
Holding(s) in Company
08:52 0RYA 0RYA Ryanair Holdings
Holding(s) in Company
08:43 0O8F 0O8F
Stabilisation Notice
08:35 VRS Versarien
Holding(s) in Company
08:20 ING Ingenta
Pre Stabilisation Notice ING Groep
08:14 TPXG Amundi Index Solutions Amundi ...
Amundi Japan Topix UCITS ETF - JPY (C): Net Asset Value(s)
08:14 TPHU Amundi Index Solutions Amundi ...
Amundi Japan Topix UCITS ETF - DAILY HEDGED USD (C): Net Asset Value(s)
08:14 TPXG Amundi Index Solutions Amundi ...
Amundi Japan Topix UCITS ETF - JPY (C): Net Asset Value(s)
08:14 TPHG Amundi Index Solutions Amundi ...
Amundi Japan Topix UCITS ETF - DAILY HEDGED GBP (C): Net Asset Value(s)
08:14 ANXG Amundi Index Solutions Amundi ...
Amundi NASDAQ-100 UCITS ETF - USD (C): Net Asset Value(s)
08:14 ANXG Amundi Index Solutions Amundi ...
Amundi NASDAQ-100 UCITS ETF - USD (C): Net Asset Value(s)
08:14 JPHG Amundi Index Solutions Amundi ...
Amundi JPX-Nikkei 400 UCITS ETF - DAILY HEDGED GBP (C): Net Asset Value(s)
08:14 JPHU Amundi Index Solutions Amundi ...
Amundi JPX-Nikkei 400 UCITS ETF - DAILY HEDGED USD (C): Net Asset Value(s)
08:14 RS2G Amundi Index Solutions Amundi...
Amundi Russell 2000 UCITS ETF - USD (C): Net Asset Value(s)
08:14 RS2G Amundi Index Solutions Amundi...
Amundi Russell 2000 UCITS ETF - USD (C): Net Asset Value(s)
08:13 100D 100D
Amundi FTSE 100 UCITS ETF Dist: Net Asset Value(s)
08:13 100H 100H
Amundi FTSE 100 UCITS ETF USD Hedged Acc: Net Asset Value(s)
08:13 CMU Amundi Index Solutions Amundi...
Amundi MSCI EMU ESG Leaders Select UCITS ETF DR - EUR (C): Net Asset Value(s)
08:13 CLIM Multi Units Luxembourg Lyx ETF...
Amundi Global Aggregate Green Bond UCITS ETF Acc: Net Asset Value(s)
08:13 CP9G Amundi Index Solutions Amundi...
Amundi Index MSCI Pacific Ex Japan SRI PAB UCITS ETF DR - USD (C): Net Asset Value(s)
08:13 MFEX Multi Units Luxembourg Lyxor...
Amundi MSCI EMU UCITS ETF Dist: Net Asset Value(s)
08:13 KLMG Multi Units Luxembourg LYX Green...
Amundi Global Aggregate Green Bond UCITS ETF GBP Hedged Dist: Net Asset Value(s)
08:13 CP9G Amundi Index Solutions Amundi...
Amundi Index MSCI Pacific Ex Japan SRI PAB UCITS ETF DR - USD (C): Net Asset Value(s)
08:13 JPXU Multi Units Luxembourg Lyx ETF...
Amundi Index MSCI Japan SRI PAB UCITS ETF DR - HEDGED USD (C): Net Asset Value(s)
08:13 L100 Multi Units Luxembourg Lyx ETF...
Amundi FTSE 100 UCITS ETF Acc: Net Asset Value(s)
08:13 MTIX Multi Units Luxembourg Lyxor...
Amundi Euro Government Inflation-Linked Bond UCITS ETF Acc: Net Asset Value(s)
08:13 JPXX Multi Units Luxembourg Lyx ETF...
Amundi Index MSCI Japan SRI PAB UCITS ETF DR - HEDGED GBP (C): Net Asset Value(s)
08:12 AEME Amundi Index Solutions Amundi...
Amundi Index MSCI Emerging Markets UCITS ETF DR (C): Net Asset Value(s)
08:12 EPRA Amundi ETF Amundi Index FTSE...
Amundi Index FTSE EPRA NAREIT Global UCITS ETF DR (C): Net Asset Value(s)
08:12 MTXX Multi Units Luxembourg Lyx ETF...
Amundi Euro Government Bond UCITS ETF Acc: Net Asset Value(s)
08:12 GGOV Amundi ETF Amundi J.P. Morgan...
Amundi Index J.P. Morgan GBI Global Govies UCITS ETF DR (C): Net Asset Value(s)
08:12 ECRP Amundi Index Solutions Amundi...
Amundi Index Euro Corporate SRI UCITS ETF DR (C): Net Asset Value(s)
08:12 FT1K Amundi Index Solutions Amundi...
Amundi MSCI UK IMI SRI PAB UCITS ETF DR - GBP (C): Net Asset Value(s)
08:12 GIL5 Multi Units Luxembourg Lyxor Uk...
Amundi UK Government Bond 0-5Y UCITS ETF Dist: Net Asset Value(s)
08:12 GAGG Amundi ETF Amundi Index Barclays...
Amundi Global Aggregate Bond UCITS ETF DR (C): Net Asset Value(s)
08:12 GAGG Amundi ETF Amundi Index Barclays...
Amundi Global Aggregate Bond UCITS ETF DR (C): Net Asset Value(s)
08:12 CLIM Multi Units Luxembourg Lyx ETF...
Amundi Global Aggregate Green Bond UCITS ETF Acc: Net Asset Value(s)
08:12 GGOV Amundi ETF Amundi J.P. Morgan...
Amundi Index J.P. Morgan GBI Global Govies UCITS ETF DR (C): Net Asset Value(s)
08:11 CEG2 Amundi Index Solutions Index...
Amundi Index MSCI Europe UCITS ETF DR (C): Net Asset Value(s)
08:11 COUK Multi Units Luxembourg Lyx ETF...
Lyxor iBoxx GBP Liquid Corporates Long Dated UCITS ETF - Dist: Net Asset Value(s)
08:11 U13G Multi Units Luxembourg Lyx Core...
Amundi US Treasury Bond 1-3Y UCITS ETF Dist: Net Asset Value(s)
08:11 GILI Multi Units Luxembourg Lyxor...
Amundi UK Government Inflation-Linked Bond UCITS ETF Dist: Net Asset Value(s)
08:11 GILS Multi Units Luxembourg Lyxor...
Amundi UK Government Bond UCITS ETF Dist: Net Asset Value(s)
08:11 U13E Multi Units Luxembourg Lyxor Us...
Amundi US Treasury Bond 1-3Y UCITS ETF GBP Hedged Dist: Net Asset Value(s)
08:11 U13G Multi Units Luxembourg Lyx Core...
Amundi US Treasury Bond 1-3Y UCITS ETF Dist: Net Asset Value(s)
08:11 UHYG Lyxor Index Fund Lyxor Usd High...
Amundi USD High Yield Corporate Bond ESG UCITS ETF Dist: Net Asset Value(s)
08:11 UHYC Lyxor Index Fund Lyxor ESG USD...
Amundi USD High Yield Corporate Bond ESG UCITS ETF Acc: Net Asset Value(s)
08:11 UHYG Lyxor Index Fund Lyxor Usd High...
Amundi USD High Yield Corporate Bond ESG UCITS ETF Dist: Net Asset Value(s)
08:10 PAXG Multi Units Luxembourg Lyx ETF...
Amundi MSCI Pacific Ex Japan UCITS ETF Dist: Net Asset Value(s)
08:10 FEDF Multi Units Luxembourg Lyx ETF...
Amundi USD Fed Funds Rate UCITS ETF Acc: Net Asset Value(s)
08:10 SP5C Multi Units Luxembourg Lyxor S&P...
Amundi S&P 500 II UCITS ETF Acc: Net Asset Value(s)
08:10 FEDF Multi Units Luxembourg Lyx ETF...
Amundi USD Fed Funds Rate UCITS ETF Acc: Net Asset Value(s)
08:10 USIG Lyxor Index Fund Lyx ETF US liq...
Amundi USD Corporate Bond PAB Net Zero Ambition UCITS ETF Dist: Net Asset Value(s)
08:10 PAXG Multi Units Luxembourg Lyx ETF...
Amundi MSCI Pacific Ex Japan UCITS ETF Dist: Net Asset Value(s)
08:10 USIC Lyxor Index Fund Lyxor ESG USD...
Amundi USD Corporate Bond PAB Net Zero Ambition UCITS ETF Acc: Net Asset Value(s)
08:10 INFL Multi Units Luxembourg LYX ETF...
Amundi Euro Inflation Expectations 2-10Y UCITS ETF Acc: Net Asset Value(s)
08:10 USIG Lyxor Index Fund Lyx ETF US liq...
Amundi USD Corporate Bond PAB Net Zero Ambition UCITS ETF Dist: Net Asset Value(s)
08:10 SP5C Multi Units Luxembourg Lyxor S&P...
Amundi S&P 500 II UCITS ETF Acc: Net Asset Value(s)
08:10 INFG Multi Units Luxembourg LYX ETF...
Amundi US Inflation Expectations 10Y UCITS ETF Acc: Net Asset Value(s)
08:10 INFG Multi Units Luxembourg LYX ETF...
Amundi US Inflation Expectations 10Y UCITS ETF Acc: Net Asset Value(s)
08:09 SGQX Multi Units Luxembourg Lyxor...
Amundi Global Equity Quality Income UCITS ETF GBP Hedged Acc: Net Asset Value(s)
08:09 FINW Lyxor MSCI World Financials USD
Amundi MSCI World Financials UCITS ETF USD Acc: Net Asset Value(s)
08:09 HIK Hikma Pharmaceuticals
Notice of Results
08:09 HLTW Lyxor MSCI World Health Care USD
Amundi MSCI World Health Care UCITS ETF USD Acc: Net Asset Value(s)
08:09 SGQD Multi Units Luxembourg Lyxor Etf...
Amundi Global Equity Quality Income UCITS ETF Acc: Net Asset Value(s)
08:09 MEUD Lyxor Index Fund Lyxor Core...
Amundi Stoxx Europe 600 UCITS ETF Acc: Net Asset Value(s)
08:09 MEUD Lyxor Index Fund Lyxor Core...
Amundi Stoxx Europe 600 UCITS ETF Acc: Net Asset Value(s)
08:09 EDIV Multi Units Luxembourg Lyxor...
Amundi S&P Eurozone Dividend Aristocrat ESG UCITS ETF Acc: Net Asset Value(s)
08:09 MFDD Lyxor Index Fund Lyxor Core Euro...
Amundi MSCI EMU ESG CTB Net Zero Ambition UCITS ETF Dist: Net Asset Value(s)
08:09 SGQD Multi Units Luxembourg Lyxor Etf...
Amundi Global Equity Quality Income UCITS ETF Acc: Net Asset Value(s)
08:08 MSEX Multi Units France Lyxor Euro...
Amundi EURO STOXX 50 II UCITS ETF GBP Hedged Acc: Net Asset Value(s)
08:08 CNAA Multi Units France Lyx ETF...
Amundi MSCI China A UCITS ETF Acc: Net Asset Value(s)
08:08 NRJC Multi Units France Lyxor New...
Amundi MSCI New Energy ESG Screened UCITS ETF Acc: Net Asset Value(s)
08:08 MSEU Multi Units France Lyxor Euro...
Amundi EURO STOXX 50 II UCITS ETF USD Hedged Acc: Net Asset Value(s)
Amundi MSCI World UCITS ETF Acc: Net Asset Value(s)
08:08 WATC Multi Units France Lyxor World...
Amundi MSCI Water ESG Screened UCITS ETF Acc: Net Asset Value(s)
Amundi MSCI World UCITS ETF Acc: Net Asset Value(s)
Amundi Prime Global UCITS ETF Dist: Net Asset Value(s)
08:08 LSPU Lyxor S&P 500 USD
Amundi S&P 500 II UCITS ETF USD Dist: Net Asset Value(s)
08:08 DAXX Multi Units Luxembourg Lyx ETF...
Amundi DAX III UCITS ETF Acc: Net Asset Value(s)
08:08 LAUU Multi Units Luxembourg Lyxor...
Amundi Australia S&P/ASX 200 UCITS ETF Dist: Net Asset Value(s)
08:08 LSPU Lyxor S&P 500 USD
Amundi S&P 500 II UCITS ETF USD Dist: Net Asset Value(s)
08:07 WLDU Multi Units France Lyxor Ucits...
Amundi MSCI World II UCITS ETF USD Hedged Dist: Net Asset Value(s)
08:07 ANRJ Amundi ETF MSCI Europe Energy...
Amundi Global Hydrogen ESG Screened UCITS ETF - Acc: Net Asset Value(s)
08:07 NRJL Multi Units France LY New Energy...
Amundi MSCI New Energy ESG Screened UCITS ETF Dist: Net Asset Value(s)
08:07 NRJL Multi Units France LY New Energy...
Amundi MSCI New Energy ESG Screened UCITS ETF Dist: Net Asset Value(s)
08:07 WATL Multi Units France Lyxor World...
Amundi MSCI Water ESG Screened UCITS ETF Dist: Net Asset Value(s)
08:07 CNAA Multi Units France Lyx ETF...
Amundi MSCI China A UCITS ETF Acc: Net Asset Value(s)
08:07 CS1 Amundi ETF MSCI Spain UCITS ETF
Amundi IBEX 35 UCITS ETF Acc: Net Asset Value(s)
08:07 CG1 Amundi ETF Dax UCITS ETF DR
Amundi ETF DAX UCITS ETF DR: Net Asset Value(s)
08:07 DRX Drax Group
Low-carbon dispatchable CfD agreement
08:07 LEMD Multi Units France ETF Msci...
Amundi MSCI Emerging Markets III UCITS ETF USD Acc: Net Asset Value(s)
08:07 LEMD Multi Units France ETF Msci...
Amundi MSCI Emerging Markets III UCITS ETF USD Acc: Net Asset Value(s)
08:06 INRL Multi Units France Lyxor ETF...
Amundi MSCI India II UCITS ETF USD Acc: Net Asset Value(s)
08:06 LY12 LY12 Lyxor International Asset...
Amundi Dow Jones Industrial Average UCITS ETF Dist: Net Asset Value(s)
08:06 CAC CAC Lyxor International Asset...
Amundi CAC 40 UCITS ETF Dist: Net Asset Value(s)
08:06 LY12 LY12 Lyxor International Asset...
Amundi Dow Jones Industrial Average UCITS ETF Dist: Net Asset Value(s)
08:06 MIBX Multi Units France Lyxor FTSE...
Amundi FTSE MIB UCITS ETF Dist: Net Asset Value(s)
08:06 MEUG Multi Units France Lyxor MSCI...
Amundi MSCI Europe II UCITS ETF Acc: Net Asset Value(s)
08:06 JPNL Multi Units France Lyxor Japan...
Amundi Japan TOPIX II UCITS ETF EUR Dist: Net Asset Value(s)
08:06 JPNL Multi Units France Lyxor Japan...
Amundi Japan TOPIX II UCITS ETF EUR Dist: Net Asset Value(s)
08:06 WLDD Multi Units France Lyxor MSCI...
Amundi MSCI World II UCITS ETF Dist: Net Asset Value(s)
08:06 WLDD Multi Units France Lyxor MSCI...
Amundi MSCI World II UCITS ETF Dist: Net Asset Value(s)
08:06 INRL Multi Units France Lyxor ETF...
Amundi MSCI India II UCITS ETF USD Acc: Net Asset Value(s)
07:53 HHPD Hon Hai Precision Industry Co....
Un-Audited Monthly Sales Ended January 31, 2025
07:30 SERE Schroder European Real Estate...
Transaction in Own Shares
07:25 PCTN Picton Property Income Ltd
Transaction in Own Shares
07:12 COD Compagnie de St-Gobain SA
07:10 BBY Balfour Beatty
Transaction in Own Shares
07:10 CMB1 IShares FTSE MIB Ucits ETF EUR...
Net Asset Value
07:10 0A3E 0A3E
Net Asset Value
07:10 0A3D 0A3D
Net Asset Value
07:10 0A3G 0A3G
Net Asset Value
07:05 TRST Trustpilot Group
Transaction in Own Shares
07:04 ARV Artemis Resources Limited
Commencement of Pilbara Drilling
07:03 NEXS Nexus Infrastructure
Annual Report 2024 and Notice of AGM
07:01 ZIN Zinc Media Group
Trading update
07:00 SWG Shearwater Group
Update re Spanish Gold Licences
07:00 EPP Energypathways
MESH Development Update
07:00 KAT Katoro Gold
Conditional Equity Financing & Strategic Expansion
07:00 37QB 37QB JSC Halyk Bank GDR
Transaction in Own Securities
07:00 AIRC Air China Ltd.
07:00 MOON Moonpig Group
Transaction in Own Shares
Appointment of Senior Independent Director
07:00 GROW Draper Esprit
Molten Ventures Plc: Transactions in Own Shares
07:00 JMAT Johnson Matthey
Board Changes
07:00 REE Altona Rare Earths
Monte Muambe Fluorspar Results
07:00 HUW Helios Underwriting
Directorate Change
07:00 BRAI BlackRock American Income Trust
Total Voting Rights
07:00 FGP FirstGroup
Transaction in Own Shares
07:00 GLV Glenveagh Properties
Transaction in Own Shares
07:00 GUS Gusbourne
Notice of Requisition of General Meeting
07:00 BBH BB Healthcare Trust
Holding(s) in Company
07:00 BRGE BlackRock Greater Europe Inv...
Total Voting Rights
07:00 ZIN Zinc Media Group
Investor Presentation via Engage Investor
07:00 WHI W H Ireland Group
Henley Office
07:00 CREI Custodian Reit
Custodian Property Income REIT plc: Block Listing interim review
07:00 SYN Synergia Energy Ltd NPV
Operations Update
07:00 BRIG Blackrock Income And Growth...
Total Voting Rights
07:00 ENSI EnSilica
Unaudited Half Year Results 
07:00 TENG Ten Lifestyle Group
Capital Markets Day
07:00 LIFS Lifesafe Holdings
Business outlook
07:00 JSE Jadestone Energy Inc NPV
PCA Share Dealing Notification
07:00 LABS Life Science REIT
17,200 sq ft letting at Cambourne Park
07:00 THRG Blackrock Throgmorton Trust
Total Voting Rights
07:00 KOS Kosmos Energy
First LNG at GTA
07:00 BSFA BSF Enterprise
AGM Statement
07:00 PSH Pershing Square Holdings Ltd NPV
Transaction in Own Shares
07:00 HHPD Hon Hai Precision Industry Co....
Fulian (Shenzhen) disposal of Lingyun Light shares
07:00 UEM Utilico Emerging Markets Ltd...
Change of Auditor
07:00 UKOG UK Oil & Gas
Significant Horndean Production Increase
07:00 APAX Apax Global Alpha Limited
Appointment of Joint Corporate Broker
07:00 AV. Aviva
Publication of the Scheme Document
07:00 FDM FDM Group
Holding(s) in Company
07:00 AEO Aeorema Communications
Grant of Options
07:00 FTC Filtronic
Further Contract Win with SpaceX
07:00 PTAL Petrotal Corporation NPV
Transaction in Own Shares
07:00 PLUS Plus500 Ltd
Transaction in Own Shares
07:00 HAYD Haydale Graphene Industries
Haydale US placed into insolvency process
07:00 DEMG Deltex Medical Group
Holding in Company
07:00 ATC ATC
FY24 Trading and Corporate Update
07:00 NEXN Nexxen International LTD
Share buyback-transaction in own shares
07:00 LLAI LungLife AI, Inc
Change of Nominated Adviser and Joint Broker
07:00 KYGA Kerry Group 'A' Shares
Transaction in Own Shares
07:00 AJB AJ Bell
Transaction in Own Shares
07:00 OMG Oxford Metrics
Transaction in Own Shares
07:00 GLB Glanbia
Transaction in Own Shares
07:00 AFP African Pioneer NPV
Fundraising, Issue of Equity and TVR
07:00 ROO Deliveroo Holdings Class A
Transaction in Own Shares
07:00 FSG Foresight Group Holdings Limited...
Transaction in Own Shares
07:00 BNZL Bunzl
Transaction in Own Shares
07:00 UKW Greencoat UK Wind
Transaction in Own Shares
07:00 HICL HICL Infrastructure
Transaction in Own Shares
07:00 VTY Vistry Group
Transaction in Own Shares
07:00 BASC Brown Advisory US Smaller...
Transaction in Own Shares
07:00 PNS Panther Securities
Property disposal
07:00 RICA Ruffer Investment Company Ltd...
Transaction in Own Shares
07:00 ULTP Ultimate Products
Transaction in Own Shares and Total Voting Rights
07:00 ECEL Eurocell
Transaction in Own Shares
07:00 PRV Porvair
Full Year Results
07:00 FUTR Future
Transaction in Own Shares
07:00 ESNT Essentra
Transaction in Own Shares
07:00 RCP RIT Capital Partners
Transaction in Own Shares
07:00 KGF Kingfisher
Transaction in Own Shares
07:00 VOD Vodafone Group
Transaction in Own Shares
07:00 OTB On The Beach Group
Transaction in Own Shares
07:00 INPP International Public...
Transaction in Own Shares
07:00 BBH BB Healthcare Trust
Transaction in Own Shares
07:00 CLDN Caledonia Investments
Transaction in Own Shares
07:00 ART The Artisanal Spirits Company
Product Innovation Update
07:00 EDIN Edinburgh Inv Trust
Transaction in Own Shares
07:00 NESF NextEnergy Solar Fund Limited...
Transaction in Own Shares
07:00 APTD Aptitude Software Group
Transaction in Own Shares
07:00 HMSO Hammerson
Transaction in Own Shares
07:00 CAM Camellia
Transaction in Own Shares
07:00 STEM SThree
Transaction in Own Shares
07:00 CYK Cykel AI
Director/PDMR Shareholding
07:00 DCTA Directa Plus
Setcar secures a new contract win and a renewal
07:00 SYNC Syncona Limited NPV
Transaction in Own Shares
07:00 TRIG The Renewables Infrastructure...
Transaction in Own Shares
07:00 HVPE HarbourVest Global Private...
Transaction in Own Shares
07:00 RKT Reckitt Benckiser Group
Transaction in Own Shares
07:00 BA. BAE Systems
Transaction in Own Shares
07:00 MTO Mitie Group
Transaction in Own Shares
07:00 QQ. QinetiQ Group
Transaction in Own Shares
07:00 CHRY Chrysalis Investments Limited...
Transaction in Own Shares
07:00 MGAM Morgan Advanced Materials
Transaction in Own Shares
07:00 BATS British American Tobacco
Transaction in Own Shares
07:00 PRU Prudential
Transaction in Own Shares
07:00 PHE Powerhouse Energy Group
Notice of Capital Markets Day
07:00 BIRD BlackBird launches Creator payment plan
07:00 PIN Pantheon International
Transaction in Own Shares
07:00 MER Mears Group
Transaction in Own Shares
07:00 LIKE Likewise Group
Transaction in Own Shares
07:00 LIO Liontrust Asset Management
Transaction in Own Shares
07:00 KOO Kooth
Transaction in Own Shares
07:00 IAG International Consolidated...
Transaction in Own Shares
07:00 CHRT Cohort
Cohort presentation at Shares Spotlight Event
07:00 MRO Melrose Industries
Transaction in Own Shares
07:00 IGG IG Group Holdings
Transaction in Own Shares
07:00 SAFE Safestore Holdings
Notice of First Quarter Trading Update
07:00 TRN Trainline
Transaction in Own Shares
07:00 LIKE Likewise Group
Trading Update and Acquisition of Logistics Centre
07:00 WNWD Windward Ltd.
Attendance at the Extraordinary General Meeting
07:00 CNA Centrica
Transaction in Own Shares
07:00 VSVS Vesuvius
Transaction in Own Shares
07:00 SMIN Smiths Group
Transaction in Own Shares
07:00 FGEN Foresight Environmental...
Transaction in Own Shares and Total Voting Rights
07:00 ORIT Octopus Renewables...
Transaction in Own Shares
07:00 BSRT Baker Steel Resources Trust Ltd.
Investment Update and 31 January 2025 NAV
07:00 ASPL Aseana Properties Ltd.
Appointments of Director and Adviser to Company
07:00 CABP CAB Payments Holdings
Directorate Change
07:00 GCAT Papillon Holdings
Funding Update
07:00 VTU Vertu Motors
Transaction in Own Shares
07:00 EXR Engage XR Holdings
ENGAGE XR attending Leap 2025 with PwC Middle East
07:00 LST Light Science Technologies...
UK and European Distribution Agreement
07:00 XPF XP Factory
Notice of Capital Markets Day Event
07:00 VOF VinaCapital Vietnam Opportunity...
Estimated Monthly NAV
07:00 ATN Aterian
Restart of Rwanda Mineral Trading Operations
07:00 KIE Kier Group
Transaction in Own Shares
07:00 GFRD Galliford Try
Transaction in Own Shares
07:00 DKL Dekel Agri-Vision
January Palm Oil & Cashew Operation Update
07:00 ONC Oncimmune Holdings
Final Results
07:00 RKW Rockwood Realisation
Issue of Equity and TVR
07:00 SEQI Sequoia Economic Infrastructure...
Transaction in Own Shares
Transaction in Own Shares
07:00 KNOS Kainos Group
Transaction in Own Shares
07:00 BOY Bodycote
Transaction in Own Shares
07:00 BERI BlackRock Energy and Resources...
Total Voting Rights
07:00 CCL Carnival
Carnival Corporation & plc Announces Closing of $2.0 Billion 6.125% Senior Unsecured Notes Offering for Refinancing and Interest Expense Reduction
07:00 LOGP Lansdowne Oil & Gas
Convertible Loan Agreement
07:00 CRS Crystal Amber Fund Ltd.
Transaction in Own Shares and Total Voting Rights
07:00 SYME Supply@Me Capital
Funding update
07:00 TIG Centralnic Group
Transaction in Own Shares & Rule 2.9 Announcement
07:00 VOF VinaCapital Vietnam Opportunity...
Transaction in Own Shares
07:00 SDR Schroders
Holding(s) in Company
07:00 VEIL Vietnam Enterprise Investments...
Transaction in Own Shares